Really interesting stuff, Christy. I would imagine many children who suffered abuse or had parents with narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder would have C-PTSD. So, quite a lot of people.

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That’s so interesting. Have you read The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk? Lot of research suggests that what we diagnose as anxiety disorder or depression are really just symptoms of underlying trauma. And if we don’t address the trauma, we’re only ever treating symptoms.

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As I read this, suddenly my eyes became unexpectedly transfixed on how the abused become the abusers in an endless cycle of violence. The endless emotional dysregulation that results becomes the chaos and pain of lifetimes. And then, someone like you suffering through this cycle, breaks it and shows others a way, not toward perfection (its striving for its own violence) but toward ease, inner freedom, and self-acceptance, long deserved and yearned for. I also kept thinking how liberating it would be for a world of others to understand this C-PTSD/PTSD distinction. May your audience grow fast!

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I was diagnosed with C-PTSD a couple of years ago after struggling with depression and anxiety for decades. Getting a correct diagnosis was a game-changer for me because nobody had ever told me it was an option and I didn’t understand why talk therapy wasn’t working for me like it was for other people. Now that I know, I have a therapist who specializes in trauma and I’ve seen so much growth in the past couple of years just from that. It makes me grieve for what my life could have been if I would have had a correct diagnosis from the get-go.

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Thank you for sharing this Christy. I had no idea about the distinction but it makes so much sense.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Christy Cegelski

Thank you for sharing this. I think you might like looking at Dr. Veronica Mead's work on trauma and its relationship to chronic illness. She compiles a lot of research on her website, a lot of it driven by her own need to understand her late diagnosis of ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome.) https://chronicillnesstraumastudies.com

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